News News Archive

Bonfire Night 2021

Thank you to all those who supported our Bonfire Night celebrations this year.


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Frimley Park Hospital Fun Run

Another year and another great event organised by Frimley Park Hospital. We have a long affiliation with the fundraiser supplying sustenance to the runners at their time of need.

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Activities Update 2021

During this period, we are keeping our Scout Hut useable and doing maintenance work on “Mildred” our Scout Group coach. Our Minibus Long John Silver has had work done and passed the MOT in February 2021.

We are also pushing fund raising for re-building our Scout Hut and would ask everybody to pass on the links below to everyone you can think of by email or social media. We only need £10 from forty thousand people! With a population the size of the UK, we must surely be able to crack that? 

Check out our Go Fund Me Here!

Our Association is rearranging leader training and regulatory requirements to ensure that 1st Aid,  outdoor skills and DBS checks are kept valid and current so that all our Groups can get back to regular weekly meetings at the first opportunity.



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COVID-19 Update

Dear Parents,

We are now in March 2021 and all meetings of Leaders and Scouts have been by video conference for some time now. The C-19 vaccine roll out is now in progress and we have some intimation of when we might be able to get back to normal meetings. Schools have started back but our leaders have agreed to to see what impact that has on transmission rates before compounding the situation further.

We are one small Scout Group, but it takes many wheels and cogs to make a well-balanced society and our Scout Group is one of those. The leaders and friends of the Group believe that and will do everything we can to bring our bit of normality back as effectively as possible.

I will keep you updated if there is any change to this and I hope that everyone around the world can look forward to a more settled future as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Group Scout Master

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Group Status


On the 22nd of January 2021, our Group took the decision to become an independent Traditional Scout Group. We are now registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

After over twenty years of enjoyable membership with the Baden-Powell Scouts Association (BPSA) circumstances dictated that the interests of our Group are better served by becoming independent.

Nothing changes with our Scout programme or activities, but we now have clarity regarding ownership of assets and management control of our future.

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Remembrance Service 2020

Due to COVID restrictions preventing a full parade, the group held its own Remembrance service at the memorial in Ash inline with current guidance. A core group of leaders attended, representing each section.

At 11am on 1st November, the leaders held a minute silence before the following poem was read out:

The Soldier
by Rupert Brooke

If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is forever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England’s, breathing English air,
Washed by rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,
A pulse in the eternal mind, no less
Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
In hearts at peace, under and English heaven.

After this, we concluded with the words of Remembrance:

Kohima Epitaph
by John Maxwell Edmunds

When you go home, tell them of us and say,
For their tomorrow, we gave our today.

We shall remember them.

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Fund Raising


FUND RAISING is a constant requirement to help keep our existing Scout Hut together, keep an inventory of usable canvas and camping equipment; and keep our coach and minibus on the road.

LEADERS and PARENTS do a great deal with maintenance of hut and vehicles; but all too often there is the need for money as well as effort.

WE ARE CONSTANTLY trying to raise funds and apply for GRANTS. That takes up a great deal of precious time that we really want and need for the Beavers, cubs, Scouts and Senior Scouts to make things happen for them. That, after all, is what we are all about.

THE BEAVERS, CUBS, SCOUTS & SENIOR SCOUTS do get involved with gardening, repair work, keeping the vehicles clean and even servicing and maintenance of the vehicles by the older ones towards their mechanics badge.

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Dear Parents,

Due to concerns regarding the spread of Coronavirus we will suspend Beaver, Cub, Scout and Senior Scout weekly meetings until after the Easter holidays.

Whether or not the British Government strategy will prove effective time will tell. At the moment, any action to delay the spread of the virus appears to be the main advice along with specific protection of those identified to be at risk.

Whilst there appears at this time to be little or no risk to children, our leader demographic includes several identified as specifically at risk as do many families. I hope that by suspending our meetings for a short while we can contribute to the efforts of those qualified and responsible for managing the current situation and go some way toward reducing exposure of all families involved in the group and the potential overload of the NHS.

I will keep you updated if there is any change to this and I hope that everyone around the world can look forward to a more settled future as soon as possible.

Kind regards,
Group Scout Master

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Scout Hut Rebuild

March 2020 – We have successfully discharged all the conditions for our planning permission and have successfully applied for a renewal of that planning permission so that we can focus on securing grants to re-build our Scout Hut. See more under Scout Hut Page.

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Bonfire Night 2019

Thanks again for all those supported our Bonfire Night!
