Dear All,
We have a stall at Ash Village Fete this weekend! If you can lend a hand, then please let us know. If you just want to drop by and say hi, that’s cool too!
Dear All,
We have a stall at Ash Village Fete this weekend! If you can lend a hand, then please let us know. If you just want to drop by and say hi, that’s cool too!
We would like to say a big thank you to all who stopped by our stall on Sunday. It was great seeing so many!
Dear All,
The group will have a stand at the North Camp fayre this weekend. Please come and visit us to find out more about our group!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new quiz leader! Congratulations to RBO Jokers who have taken the cup from previous leaderboard winners, Tukker’s Tigers.
On Saturday night, our 2023 quiz league kicked off! It was a close match, but somehow Tukker’s Tigers turned it around in the second half to snatch it from the Williams. Well done all teams!
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II promised her lifetime in service to her country and the Commonwealth and was true to her word; eternally loyal and committed she was a shining example to all who hold responsibility and authority in countries and communities all around the world.
It is with sadness that we receive the news of her death this day and our thoughts are with her family and friends who have a personal loss which will colour their lives forever.
However, she shall not be missed but rather will remain the true Monarch that she became, for that can never change for she truly fulfilled. She grew with generations about the Globe and will always be ‘our’ Queen.
Thank you your Majesty for your selfless service and endearing and enduring example. We salute you.
Yours in Scouting,
1st Blackwater Valley B-P Scout Group
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am excited to invite all Scouts and Seniors to an afternoon of theatre at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, on Saturday 26th November 2022.
We will attend the matinee performance of ‘An Inspector Calls’ starting at 14:30. The group will arrange transport to and from the theatre, picking up and dropping off at the Scout hut. I will confirm times nearer the day.
The theatre has kindly offered us a discount, bringing stall ticket prices down to £35.50.
I cannot stress enough the incredible value for money of this production and it has been touring on and off since 1992, winning a handful of awards along the way. The play offers a gripping insight into our daily decisions and challenges the audience to examine their conscience.
On a personal note, I saw this production for the first time at Scout age at Woking Theatre and it was fundamental in my decision to work in professional theatre as a career. The production values match that of any London West End show, mainly because of this production originally performing at the National Theatre before going on tour. It is very rare that you can access theatre of this class locally and at this cost.
The theatre is confident this production will sell out (it does at every venue) and cannot reserve tickets for very long. All monies need to be paid in full by the 25th May 2022.
After a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, members of Pioneer & Mountford Troops are invited to Camp “Ada”, a nine day summer camp in East Horsley – parish of the mathematician and first computer programmer, Lady Ada Lovelace.
Thank you to all those who supported our Bonfire Night celebrations this year.
Another year and another great event organised by Frimley Park Hospital. We have a long affiliation with the fundraiser supplying sustenance to the runners at their time of need.