This week our Beavers were busy exploring again, but not outside this time! Instead, they were in the hut learning all about mixing colours and doing some fascinating experiments to see what colours they could make.
Beavers: Colour Mixing

This week our Beavers were busy exploring again, but not outside this time! Instead, they were in the hut learning all about mixing colours and doing some fascinating experiments to see what colours they could make.
The lead up to Christmas always seems to be a time of illness, never the less, the few Seniors we had left enjoyed an evening on the ice!
Tonight the Scouts learnt all about radiation from one of our leaders, who is a soil & rock scientist by day. They learnt all about the good and bad types and measuring some Uranium Ore with a scintillator. It was great to fully appreciate that while the bad type seems to make the news so often; it is also has important diagnostic use in medical science and cancer treatment.
Last weekend our Rovers went on a two day camp in East Horsley. It was rather soggy but a great time was had by all. This was trial for a similar camp which will be planned by our Seniors next year.
Last week, our Scout planned an evening hike of 5km around our local army training ground known as E1. All they had was a map, route card, and compass. The parents were pleased to find all Scouts had found their way back to the pickup point by the end of the evening! Well done to all those who hiked.
We know it is a little early, but this weeks our Beavers were making decorations ready for the festive period. It included making snow balls out of ink and creating salt dough creations.
This week our Beavers learnt all about Remembrance and painted some poppies. Good work! You can find out more about this tradition at the Royal British Legion website here.
After the Beavers did such a great job, the Scouts felt left out! This evening we carved both pumpkins and watermelons to create some fantastic artistic pieces.
Tonight, the Seniors practiced their knife skills, prepping wood for a small fire which they built at the end of the evening. These skills are really important to repeat as often as possible and allow the Seniors to become confident with using blades. This then makes work on camp much easier. We also had a special visitor to share the evening with!
This week, our Scouts revised the use of the ‘Jenga tower’ method of fire building to create a wonderful ember base to do some cooking. Each Scout made their own skewer of assortments of meat and vegetables to cook.