Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Hobo Stoves

This week our seniors made Hobo Stoves, these are small stoves which are often made from tin cans with legs attached. They have great ventilation meaning they burn really efficiently. 

Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Cooking Challenge Evening

This week our Seniors were surprised with a Ready Steady Cook style challenge where they were presented with a bunch of ingredients and told they have to come up with a main meal. They absolutely aced the challenge and concocted a fantastic pasta dish, maybe we have some new camp cooks?

Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Ice Skating

The lead up to Christmas always seems to be a time of illness, never the less, the few Seniors we had left enjoyed an evening on the ice!

Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Knife Skills

Tonight, the Seniors practiced their knife skills, prepping wood for a small fire which they built at the end of the evening. These skills are really important to repeat as often as possible and allow the Seniors to become confident with using blades. This then makes work on camp much easier. We also had a special visitor to share the evening with!


Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Fire Lighting

Being able to light fire starts with preparing the wood you plan to burn, failing to understanding the different stages of sizing material will result in failing to light it. We can only learn this skill through practice. 

seniors fire wood seniors building fire seniors lighting fire

Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Camping Kit Check

Seniors decided to test our coalman cookers as summer camp is around the corner. All our kit requires constant maintenance, and it is important the scouts get to experience taking it apart and servicing.

Seniors fire building seniors making tea

News News Archive Scout Update Section Updates Senior Update

Camp Fangorn – Forest of Dean Summer Camp 2018

Pioneer & Mountford Troops enjoyed a nine day summer camp on farmland in the ancient Forest of Dean, during peaceful times this summer.

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Scout “Chudleigh” Camp in Devon February 2018

Caving at Pridhamsleigh Cavern on Saturday morning. Indoor wall climbing at Dart Rock Saturday afternoon. High tree ropes at the Rock Center Sunday morning with wind and sleet.  Climbing on Tor in Dartmoor Sunday afternoon with sleet and wind. The Scouts arrived on Friday night and stayed that night and Saturday night in Great Hound Tor Camping Barn. The Scouts arrived back to the Scout Hut at 21:00 on Sunday evening.

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Camp Croissant – France Summer Camp 2017

Pioneer & Mountford Troops returned to a small farm owned by a Scotsman and his wife (Craig & Mary) in a very rural area of Pressignac in Southern France.

News Archive Section Updates Senior Update

Seniors: Flying

Over two weekends, our Seniors went flying in a light aircraft. These are the photos of us visiting Bembridge on the Isle of Wight for lunch before flying around The Needles and back home.