Hastings Wolf Cub Pack
children aged 8 to 11 years
Wednesday 18:00 to 19:15
Wolf Cubs is about working together to achieve within a team and to grow as an individual.
We explore the world in fun new ways, through camping, activities around the hut and visiting places. To be a Wolf Cub is about being prepared, taking enjoyment in what we do, achieving individually as well as helping a team, making a difference to those around us and understanding how to stay safe.
What are Wolf Cubs?
After the success of Scouts, Lord Baden-Powell soon had younger children wanting to join. The Scout programme did not fit their age group, so he created a new programme, known as Wolf Cubs. The Wolf Cubs section is based on Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book, a story about a young boy growing up within a wolf pack and learning how to become a man.
A group of Wolf Cubs forms the Pack. Within the Pack, the Wolf Cubs are split up into smaller sections known as Sixes. Each of the Sixes is given a colour and the two older Cubs in each are given the role of Sixer and Seconder.
What does it involve?
As a Cub moves through the Pack, they earn awards as part of the main programme. These start with the Tenderpad, a basic introduction to the Scouting tradition and what Wolf Cubs entails. On completing their Tenderpad they will have an official investiture ceremony into the Pack. After investiture, they will work through their first star, second star, citizenship award and friendship award before completing the programme with their Leaping Wolf award. The Leaping Wolf is the highest achievement in Cubs and covers the basics of leaping up into the Scout section.
Besides from the main Cub programme, there are many Proficiency badges a Cub can earn. These cover many interests a Cub may have and allow them to choose their own badges to complete.