
The Group has a small core of trustees who are charged with the administration of the charity and support the leaders to provide the best experiences they can to our children.


Margaret, her husband Mike, and their two sons are founding members of 1st Blackwater Valley B-P Scouts. Margaret has been a leader with Beavers and Cubs and is now a Trustee but still holds a uniform warrant so that she can help out where possible. Margaret and Mike taught archery to the Scouts together and Mike made the Scout Patrol boxes that are still in use today.


Group Scout Master

Richard was a Scout at 3rd Kingston Scout Group as a boy and then became a leader with 1st Frimley Green & Mytchett in 1984 when his eldest son joined Cubs. In 1993 Richard and his wife Michele along with some fifty other parents started 1st Blackwater Valley B-P Scouts with the desire to continue traditional Scouting in a wholly volunteer environment. All four of Richard’s sons have been Scouts.


John, his wife Ann, and both their children are founder members of 1st Blackwater Valley B-P Scout Group and were both leaders with Scouts participating in camps in the UK and Austria. John went onto be Group Treasurer for many years before becoming a Trustee.


Mike was a Scout as a boy and often refers to his participation in an International Scout Jamboree in Canada as a defining moment in his life. Mike’s daughter was a Scout with the Group and Mike has helped out on several summer camps. Mike is now a Trustee.